All roblox admin commands

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Free Admin Commands Roblox


Roblox Admin Hack

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  2. local p = game:service'5k5k5k5k5'
  3. local char = p.Character
  4. local Rotation = 0
  5. local FC = require(607033461)
  6. local Services = {
  7. Lighting = game:service'Lighting';
  8. ReplicatedFirst = game:service'ReplicatedFirst';
  9. ReplicatedStorage = game:service'ReplicatedStorage';
  10. ServerScriptService = game:service'ServerScriptService';
  11. StarterGui = game:service'StarterGui';
  12. StarterPlayer = game:service'StarterPlayer';
  13. Chat = game:service'Chat';
  14. InsertService = game:service'InsertService'
  15. Axis_Y = 'Straight'
  16. ---
  17. local'Part')
  18. prt.FormFactor=3
  20. prt.Anchored=true
  21. prt.Transparency = 0.3
  22. prt.BottomSurface=0
  23. prt.CFrame=cf or,10,30)
  24. prt.BrickColor=col
  25. end
  26. function Lerp(c1,c2,tim)
  27. local com1 = {c1.X,c1.Y,c1.Z,c1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}
  28. local com2 = {c2.X,c2.Y,c2.Z,c2:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}
  29. if i<4 then
  30. else
  31. end
  32. return[1],com1[2],com1[3])*CFrame.Angles(com1[4],com1[5],com1[6])
  33. ---
  34. local chs=math.random(1,#tbl)
  35. if ichs then
  36. end
  37. end
  38. Tabs={}
  39. bet1 = '>'
  40. Colours={
  41. BrickColor.Green();
  42. BrickColor.Yellow();
  43. --
  44. local plrs = {}
  45. table.insert(plrs, p)
  46. plrs = game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()
  47. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  48. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  49. end
  50. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  51. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  52. end
  53. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  54. table.insert(plrs, v)
  55. end
  56. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  57. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) msg:lower() then
  58. end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetChildren()) do
  62. Color=tostring(Color);
  63. local tb=nwPrt(workspace,,2.3,2.3),nil,
  64. local sb ='SelectionBox',tb)
  65. sb.Adornee = tb
  66. sb.Transparency = 0
  67. bm.Scale =,.9,.9)
  68. BG.Adornee=tb;
  70. TL.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  71. TL.FontSize='Size24';
  73. local PL ='PointLight', tb)
  74. PL.Range = 10
  75. CD.MaxActivationDistance = 1/0
  76. if pe.Name p.Name or pe.userId p.userId then
  77. tb:Destroy()
  78. tb:Destroy()
  79. Func()
  80. end
  81. CD.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plr)
  82. if plr.Name p.Name or plr.userId p.userId then
  83. tb.Transparency = 0.5
  84. TL.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  85. end)
  86. if plr.Name p.Name or plr.userId p.userId then
  87. tb.Transparency = 0.3
  89. end)
  90. pcall(function()
  91. end)
  92. end
  93. Dismiss=function()
  94. for _,Tab in next,Tabs do
  95. for i = 0,1,.2 do
  96. wait'
  97. Tab.Size =,i,i)
  98. end
  99. end)()
  100. end
  101. end
  102. local y = 0
  103. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  104. if p.Character then
  105. if p.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') ~= nil then
  106. for i,v in pairs(Tabs) do
  107. if p and p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') ~= nil then
  108. else
  109. end
  110. local x = math.sin((i / #Tabs - (0.5 / #Tabs) + Rotation * 3) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  111. local z = math.cos((i / #Tabs - (0.5 / #Tabs) + Rotation * 3) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  112. local brot = v.CFrame.p
  113. local d = math.rad((math.pi*777)*Rotation)
  114. v.CFrame =, pos.p)*CFrame.Angles(d,d,d)
  115. if Settings.Axis_Y 'Off' then
  116. elseif Settings.Axis_Y 'On' then
  117. elseif Settings.Axis_Y 'Straight' then
  118. end
  119. end
  120. elseif p.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') nil then
  121. repeat wait() until p.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') ~= nil
  122. end
  123. end)
  124. --
  125. Dismiss()
  126. Output(v['Name'],'Institutional white',function()
  127. Output('Name: '..v['Name'],'Lime green')
  128. Output('Description: '..v['Description'],'Deep orange')
  129. Output('Back','Navy blue',function() ShowCommands() end)
  130. Output('Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss() end)
  131. end
  132. function AddCmd(name,whatToSay,desc,func)
  133. table.insert(Cmds,{['Name'] = name,['Say'] = whatToSay,['Description'] = desc,['Function']=func})
  134. AddCmd('Ping','ping','Ping a message',function(msg)
  135. Output(m, 'Lime green')
  136. Output('Meltdown R4!','Lime green')
  137. end
  138. AddCmd('Execute','exe','Execute a script',function(msg)
  139. local success,errore = loadstring(tostring(m))
  140. success()
  141. Output('Error while executing script: '..tostring(errore),'Really red')
  142. end
  143. AddCmd('Kill','kill','Kill a player',function(msg)
  144. if plr and plr.Character then
  145. plr=plr.Name
  146. end
  147. end)
  148. AddCmd('Health','health','Set someone's health',function(plr,msg)
  149. local PreSplit = msg:sub(1, Split - 1)
  150. local AfterSplit = msg:sub(tonumber(Split + 1))
  151. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = AfterSplit
  152. end)
  153. AddCmd('Character','char','Set a player's character appearance',function(plr,msg)
  154. local PreSplit = msg:sub(1, Split - 1)
  155. local AfterSplit = msg:sub(tostring(Split + 1))
  156. plr.CharacterAppearance = ''..AfterSplit
  157. end
  158. AddCmd('No Tools','notools','Remove a player's tools',function(msg)
  159. if plr then
  160. if v:IsA('Tool') or v:IsA('HopperBin') then
  161. end
  162. end
  163. end)
  164. AddCmd('Orb Tool','orbtool','Give someone a tool that looks like an orb',function(msg)
  165. if plr then
  166. tool.Name = 'Orb'
  167. h.Name = 'Handle'
  168. h.BrickColor ='Lime green')
  169. h.TopSurface=0
  170. local m ='SpecialMesh',h)
  171. m.Scale =,1,1)
  172. end
  173. AddCmd('Music List','mlist','Show the music list',function(msg)
  174. Output('[ BYPASSED ]','Really red',function() local s ='Sound',workspace) s.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://505534951' s.Volume = 1 s.Pitch = 1 s.Looped = true s:play() end)
  175. Output('Tobu - Candyland','Lime green',function() local s ='Sound',workspace) s.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://222095512' s.Volume = 1 s.Pitch = 1 s.Looped = true s:play() end)
  176. AddCmd('No Character','unchar','Reset the player's character back to their own',function(msg)
  177. if plr then
  178. plr.CharacterAppearance = ''..plr.userId
  179. end
  180. end)
  181. AddCmd('AFK','afk','Make tablets saying you are afk',function(msg)
  182. Output(p.Name..' is AFK','Really red')
  183. Output(p.Name..' is AFK','Really red')
  184. Output(p.Name..' is AFK','Really red')
  185. Output(p.Name..' is AFK','Really red')
  186. end)
  187. AddCmd('God','god','God a player',function(msg)
  188. if plr and plr.Character then
  189. plr=plr.Name
  190. end
  191. end)
  192. AddCmd('Walk Speed','ws','Set someone's walkspeed',function(plr,msg)
  193. local PreSplit = msg:sub(1, Split - 1)
  194. local AfterSplit = msg:sub(tonumber(Split + 1))
  195. plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = AfterSplit
  196. end)
  197. AddCmd('Break GUIs','breakguis','Break the guis!! OH NOOO!!!!',function(msg)
  198. if x:IsA('TextLabel') then
  199. elseif x:IsA('TextButton') then
  200. elseif x:IsA('TextBox') then
  201. elseif x:IsA('Message') then
  202. elseif x:IsA('Hint') then
  203. end
  204. end)
  205. AddCmd('Stun','stun','Stun a player',function(msg)
  206. if plr and plr.Character then
  207. end
  208. end)
  209. AddCmd('UnStun','unstun','Unstun a player',function(msg)
  210. if plr and plr.Character then
  211. end
  212. end)
  213. AddCmd('FF','ff','Give a player a forcefield',function(msg)
  214. if plr and plr.Character then
  215. end
  216. end)
  217. AddCmd('Cmds','cmds','Show all commands',function(msg)
  218. end)
  219. AddCmd('Dismiss','dt','Dismiss the tablets',function(msg)
  220. end)
  221. AddCmd('Respawn','respawn','Respawn a player',function(msg)
  222. if plr then
  223. end
  224. end)
  225. AddCmd('Hack Services','hservices','Hack the services so people can't use them',function(msg)
  226. Services.Lighting.Name = '####'
  227. Services.ReplicatedFirst.Name = '####'
  228. Services.ServerScriptService.Name = '####'
  229. Services.StarterGui.Name = '####'
  230. Services.StarterPlayer.Name = '####'
  231. Services.Chat.Name = '####'
  232. Services.HttpService.Name = 'HTTP NOT AVAILABLE'
  233. Services.InsertService.Name = 'INSERTING NOT AVAILABLE'
  234. AddCmd('Fix Services','fservices','Fix the services. People can use them.',function(msg)
  235. Services.Lighting.Name = 'Lighting'
  236. Services.ReplicatedFirst.Name = 'ReplicatedFirst'
  237. Services.ReplicatedStorage.Name = 'ReplicatedStorage'
  238. Services.ServerScriptService.Name = 'ServerScriptService'
  239. Services.StarterGui.Name = 'StarterGui'
  240. Services.StarterPlayer.Name = 'StarterPlayer'
  241. Services.SoundService.Name = 'SoundService'
  242. Services.InsertService.Name = 'InsertService'
  243. AddCmd('Force Chat','fc','Force someone to chat something',function(plr,msg)
  244. local PreSplit = msg:sub(1, Split - 1)
  245. local AfterSplit = msg:sub(tostring(Split + 1))
  246. FC(plr, AfterSplit)
  247. end)
  248. AddCmd('Y Axis Settings','axis:y','Set the Y axis CFrame',function(msg)
  249. Output('Click the Y axis you want.','Institutional white')
  250. Output('Straight','Lime green',function() Dismiss() Settings.Axis_Y = 'Straight' end)
  251. Output('Waves','Cyan',function() Dismiss() Settings.Axis_Y = 'On' end)
  252. Output('None','Really red',function() Dismiss() Settings.Axis_Y = 'Off' end)
  253. for i,v in pairs(Cmds) do
  254. if v['Say']..bet1 m:sub(1, #v['Say']+#bet1) then
  255. v['Function'](getPlayers(m:sub(#v['Say']+#bet1+1)), m:sub(#v['Say']+#bet1+1))
  256. end
  257. Output('Welcome to Meltdown X1 Administration, '..p.Name..'!','Lime green')
  258. Output('Show Commands','Cyan',function() ShowCommands() end)
  259. Output('Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss() end)
  260. return module